
Communities in Partnership Annual Block Party


Communities in Partnership, a community rooted organization in East Durham, hosted their 6th annual block party on Driver Street for hundreds of neighbors.  They had games, face painting for kids, moon bounces and even a game truck for the kids and families.  Additionally, there were multiple organizations sharing information and resources with local families.   For everyone who joined in the festivities, we are sure you had fun. 


Durham Seeks Input on Future of Current Police Headquarters Site


The City of Durham wants community input on what should happen to a prominent block on the western edge of downtown Durham. 


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Shout-Out to Our Durham Fire Department


Battalion Chiefs Jeff Roberts and Dan Cremeans meet with Drivers Dan Burton, Gabe Massengale; Captains David Young and Bryan Perry and Firefighter Dan Morgan who headed to Texas to help with Hurricane Harvey search and rescue efforts.


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East Durham Cleanup


Residents of Owen, Ashe Street, Harvard, Weldon’s  Terrace and the surrounding area organized a cleanup on July 22nd.  Over 14 tons of junk, debris and  bulky items were collected.  Thank you to the residents that organized this event and to the Neighborhood Improvement Services Impact Team for all of their work picking it all up.  If any other neighborhoods want to organize a neighborhood cleanup, contact the Community Engagement Team to coordinate.


Congratulations PAC3 Neighbors and winners in the PAC3 NNO 2017 Giveaway!


National Night Out is an opportunity for PAC3 and its neighborhoods to promote community partnerships, crime prevention, and neighborhood camaraderie. The goal of the annual NNO Giveaway is to promote District3 neighborhood participation in the citywide "NNO" campaign and to encourage neighborhoods to host a “National Night Out” get together.  

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Durham Police Department Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Partnered with White Star Laundry



On Saturday July 22nd, the Durham Police Department Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) partnered with White Star Laundry to provide clothing to the homeless. White Star Laundry hosted their annual yard sale event to sell off clothing items that were never collected from them after being cleaned. Lt. D. Campbell was able to secure vouchers to allow Durham’s homeless residents to obtain 3 clothing items at no charge. Lt. D. Campbell, Master Ofc. R. Thomas, Ofc. K. Hunter and Ofc. D. Beckett handed out the vouchers and assisted in searching the clothing racks for the desired sizes and styles. At the end of the event, White Star Laundry donated many leftover items to the CIT department so they can be handed out to the homeless at a later date.


Citizenship and Government Summer Camp Tour

The City of Durham’s Parks and Recreation Director, Rhonda B. Parker, helped kick-off the City Hall on the Go Summer Tour.  The kick-off was held at the Walltown Recreation Center located at 1200 West Club Blvd.  Ms. Parker spoke about her journey that led to her position as the City’s Parks and Recreation Director. Campers were able to ask questions about her experiences.

Director Parker encouraged campers to find something they are passionate about and not to let fear hold them back.   She also told campers’ that even if you fail, it doesn’t mean you will continue to fail, keep on trying and believe in yourself.  




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A Visit from Wayne Drop


Holt Elementary School’s Afterschool Program welcomes Wayne Drop and Erin Harrison  from the City of Durham Water Management Department.

Erin  read the book Why Should I Save Water? by Jen Green to Pre-K through Fifth Graders about the importance of water conservation.  She explained  the reasons why we should conserve our water.  Wayne Drop was an added surprise he gave high fives, hugs and danced with the students.


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