
Apply for Neighborhood Matching Grants + July's Top 10 News

Here's a roundup of important information this July. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.

This month, we're exploring stories from Algonquin Club as part of the Our Community Stories video series.  This event will take place Friday, July 30 at noon. RSVP and register for the Zoom link.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Wishing you health and happiness!

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

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Our Community Stories Spring 2021 Reunion + June's Top 10 News

Here's a roundup of important information this June. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.

This month is the Spring 2021 reunion for Our Community Stories video series.  This event will take place Friday, June 25 at noon. RSVP and register for the Zoom link.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Wishing you health and happiness!

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

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Our Community Stories: Survey

Are you enjoying the Our Community Stories series on Zoom? Have ideas for the future? Let us know!

May 2021 Community Engagement News

Nota: Si desearecibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.

Happy Friday --

Here's a roundup of important information to wrap up your month of May. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.

This month, we’re exploring community stories from East End as part of Our Community Stories video series. This event will take place May 28 at noon. RSVP and register for the Zoom link.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Wishing you health and happiness!

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. Did you get this email from a friend? Sign up to receive this newsletter directly.

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April 2021 Community Engagement News

Nota: Si desearecibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.

Happy Friday --

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.

This month, we’re exploring community stories from Merrick Moore as part of Our Community Stories video series. This event will take place April 30 at noon. RSVP and register for the Zoom link.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Wishing you health and happiness!

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. Did you get this email from a friend? Sign up to receive this newsletter directly.

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All 5 Groups Eligible to Sign Up for Vaccine + This Week's Top 10

Nota: Si desearecibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.

Happy Monday --

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.

Please take a couple minutes to tell us how we're doing.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.  

Wishing you health and happiness! 

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. If anyone else would like to sign up to receive this newsletter, they can do so at 

This Week's Top 10

1. ALL Residents Eligible to Sign Up For The Covid-19 Vaccine

2. Sign Up To Receive COVID-19 Vaccine Email Updates

3. Durham's Better Bus Project To Improve Bus Access & Comfort

4. Beware of COVID-19 Vaccine Scammers! 

5. Funds Available for Durham's Small Businesses

6. Participatory Budgeting Grants Available Til March 31st

7. Have Thoughts About Southeast Durham? Share Here!

8. Learn More About Programs For Gifted Students

9. Community Planting Day at Ashe Street Garden

10. DPR's 2021 Earth Day & Other Important Information 

JOB ALERT! Are You or Someone You know Searching For Employment? 

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Continuing The Conversation on Racial Healing + This Week's Top 10

Nota: Si desearecibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.

Happy Monday --

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it. As always, let us know if you have any questions.  

There's still time to sign up for this month's Our Community Stories: The Bottom. This event will take place February 26th at noon. Learn more by clicking on this link:

Wishing you health and happiness! 

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. If anyone else would like to sign up to receive this newsletter, they can do so at 

This Week's Top 10

1. NIS' Human Relations 18th Annual Women's Forum

2. Celebration of Black Artistry in Neighborhoods Project

3. FREE RIDE To Get Your Vaccination!

4. Continuing the Conversation of Racial Healing 

5. Participatory Budgeting Grants are NOW LIVE

6. Durham's FUSE Corps Fellowship Opportunities

7. Multilingual Immigrant and Refugee Virtual Town Hall

8. Youth Listening Project, COMPLETE!

9. Do You Need a Lawyer?

10. Maternal and Child Health Virtual Program

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Thank You for Attending- Racial Healing Community Discussion



Good morning Friend --

"It is not the responsibility of one person, one group, or even one organization to drive this work. The responsibility belongs to all of us to participate in these honest, powerful, and moving experiences, and pursue this journey together. Through racial healing, we can all forge deep, meaningful relationships, lay the groundwork to transform broken systems, and create a world in which, together, we are a new force for positive change." -

Thank you for joining our National Day of Racial Healing event. It was our pleasure to facilitate this community discussion with many of our Durham neighbors. We thank you for being vulnerable in sharing your thoughts and feelings around racial trauma and healing. As promised, we rounded up the resources our neighbors shared in the chat during our discussion...

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Durham's Federal CARES Act Survey + This Week's Top 10

Nota: Si desearecibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.

Happy Monday, Friend --

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it. As always, let us know if you have any questions.  

Do you want to be "in the know" of what's going on in Durham Communities? Follow Durham Community Engagement on Facebook!

Wishing you health and happiness! 

Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. If anyone else would like to sign up to receive this newsletter, they can do so at 

This Week's Top 10

1. Durham's Federal CARES Act Funds- What's Important to YOU?

2. Keep Durham Beautiful's Bulb Blitz 2021

3. Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine- Sign Up Today 

4. Innovate Durham 2021 Cohort Application

5. National Day of Racial Healing- Community Discussion

6. FREE Live Tree Disposal Options

7. The City of Durham is HIRING!

8. Parent & Family Advocacy Training Program

9. HOPE4NC- Your Mental Health Matters

10. The Thriving Community Fund's Townhall

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NIS' Community Conversation - Public Safety + This Week's Top 10

Nota: Si desearecibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.

Happy Monday, Alexis --

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it. As always, let us know if you have any questions.  

Do you want to be "in the know" of what's going on in Durham Communities? Follow Durham Community Engagement on Facebook!

Wishing you health and happiness! 

Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. If anyone else would like to sign up to receive this newsletter, they can do so at 

This Week's Top 10

1. Seeking a Job in Healthcare? This Expo Is For You!

2. FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites Available

3. Heating Bill Assistance Program Now Available

4. Do You Need a Flu Shot? Durham Locations

5. Help Provide Meals to Durham Families

6. Durham PreK TA Capacity Building Program

7. DPS Drive-Thru Hiring Event

8. 2020-2021 Durham Early Head Start Program

9. Health Insurance Enrollment Is Now Open!

10. NIS Community Conversations- Public Safety 

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