NIS' Community Conversation - Public Safety + This Week's Top 10
Happy Monday, Alexis --
1. Seeking a Job in Healthcare? This Expo Is For You!
Attention jobseekers! Save the date for this FREE virtual career expo on December 10! Explore career opportunities with top healthcare companies via live video chat. All levels of healthcare experience needed. Register now:
2. FREE COVID-19 Testing Sites Available
Free Covid-19 testing sites available through December 31,2020. Testing is available to all, regardless of insurance or documentation status. Spanish-speakers will be available at all sites. To find an available appointment near you, click on this link:
3. Heating Bill Assistance Program Now Available
It's that time of year for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program--LIEAP. We serve our seniors(60 & up), those living with disabilities and those who receive Food & Nutrition Services first.See this link for more information:
4. Do You Need A Flu Shot? Durham Locations
Did you get your Flu Shot, yet? The CDC recommends the flu shot for everyone 6 months and older, with rare exceptions. Find shots here in Durham:
5. Help Provide Meals to Durham Families
Seeking ways to help out your fellow community members? EAT NC is working to feed Durham children and families. Support the cause here:
6. Durham PreK TA Capacity Building Program
Are you a community-based early education program looking to become an active Durham PreK center? The Durham PreK Technical Assistance Capacity Building program is for you. The application is now open for programs wishing to work on becoming a Durham PreK center! Applications are due by December 16, 2020. Visit this link for more info:
7. DPS Drive-Thru Hiring Event

8. 2020-2021 Durham Early Head Start Program
Are you an expecting mother or a mother with children under the age of 3? This resource might be for you. Durham Early Head Start (DEHS) is a federally-funded, free, and comprehensive child development and family support program for low-income expectant women and families with infants and toddlers age birth to 3. Go to:
9. Health Insurance Enrollment Is Now Open!
You have until December 15 to renew or enroll in 2021 health insurance through the Healthcare Marketplace. Deadline is December 15th, 2020. Go to:
10. NIS' Community Conversations- Public Safety
Join our community conversations on "Bridging the Gap Between DPD and the Community" December 8th beginning at 6 p.m. on Facebook live:@DurhamCommunityEngagement
This newsletter and past newsletters are also available on our website.
Thank you,
Your Community Engagement Team
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