Durham Youth Commission Seeks Applicants
April 30 Application Deadline
Durham youth who want a voice in their local government are now being invited to apply to serve on the Durham Youth Commission.
Beginning Monday, April 2, interested youth are encouraged to apply to serve a one-year term on 2018-2019 commission, which consists of 30 members from grades 9-12 chosen by a selection committee.
Durham Youth Commission members commit to a one-year term of service; serve on boards and committees as appointed and attend all meetings of those boards and committees; complete 40 hours of community service during their term of service; as well as attend and actively participate in all meetings, service projects, and special events sponsored by the commission.
Durham youth interested in submitting an application must express an interest in contributing to the greater well-being of Durham; commit to 100 percent participation in all activities; demonstrate leadership in school and/or community activities; and complete the required application with two reference letters postmarked by Monday, April 30, 2018. Completed application packets should be mailed to the City of Durham Office on Youth, attention Durham Youth Commission, 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, N.C. 27701.
In addition to downloading an application from the City’s website, hard-copy applications are also be available at the Durham Teen Center, 1101 Cornell St., as well as Durham Public Schools middle and high school guidance counselor offices.
For additional information, contact Senior Community Relations Coordinator Evelyn Scott with the City’s Office on Youth at (919) 354-2730, ext. 11104 or by Evelyn.Scott @durhamnc.gov.
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