Voices in Lyon Park
"...when you have more trees, there's more shade cover....When you're talking about environmental racism and the air quality, all of that impacts when you have a lot of trees, it's going to feel cooler and it's going to actually, the quality of the air is better. So that was, I think some of the other research that they were using to focus on neighborhoods that they know has historically not had that kind of investment because you go to the wider, nicer, wealthier neighborhood. They have trees" ~Jesse, Lyon Park
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Voices in Southeast Durham
"I would like to see our local park maintained, as in some of the other affluent communities, just because we are a low income area doesn't mean that we supposed to get less. We deserve just as much as other communities." ~Durham Community Member
Voices in Legacy & Emerging Businesses
"I would like a place what I would call a place for everyone. Right? So and what that means to me is that we are not choosing or having one side over another, right? It feels like Durham is pushing people out to a certain degree. And I know from my standpoint and where I sit, my season in elderly people, I have a really heart for them. So that really makes me feel some kind of way, especially since I've lived here like this. Everybody can't afford certain things, you just want to have that balance as much as possible, right? Because we all want things to be equitable for everybody, at least. And sometimes it just doesn't feel that way." ~Quinn Tonia Thorpe