City Hall on the Go Citizenship and Government- Durham Nativity School

City Hall on the Go Citizenship and Government- Durham Nativity School

On Thursday, July 19, 2018, Brian Smith of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development visited 18 students at Durham Nativity School Summer Camp. The school enjoyed his previous workshop so much, they invited him back!  In April, the students developed murals focused on their neighborhoods.  For this classroom, Brian focused on other forms of public art, specifically sculptures.  The students developed their own whirligigs, after learning about the Whirligig Park in Historic Downtown Wilson, North Carolina.  In addition, the students all got to visit and learn about City Hall on the Go!

CHOTG Citizenship and Government outdoor class is designed to enlighten students about civic pride, government and inspire them to become active members in their community.  Students are relaxed outside of the normal classroom and encouraged to ask questions of the presenter’s personal and professional experiences and why they became involved in government.


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