Testing at CVS + Top 10 (June 1, 2020)

Testing at CVS + Top 10 (June 1, 2020)

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it. As always, let us know if you have any questions. 

Wishing you health and happiness! 

Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

This Week’s Top 10

  1. Safer-at-Home Order
  2. COVID Symptoms
  3. Know Your Ws  
  4. Testing at CVS 
  5. Child’s Immunizations
  6. Eligible for WIC? 
  7. Drive-Thrus 
  8. Stay Safe from Scams
  9. Blood and Plasma Donations  
  10. Proposed Woodcroft Parkway Extension  

Note: If you would like to receive the Spanish newsletter, please sign up here

Nota: En unas pocas semanas, comenzaremos a proporcionar esta información en un boletín en inglés y un boletín en español. Si desea recibir el boletín en español, regístrese aquí.


1. Safer-at-Home Order

Durham Safer-at-Home Order: What’s Different as of June 1? 

Learn more: https://durhamnc.gov/4019/Stay-at-Home-Order-FAQs 


2. COVID Symptoms

COVID symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. If you're not feeling well, stay away from others at home, & call your doctor or our COVID-19 hotline (919-635-8150) for more advice. https://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html

3. Know Your Ws 

According to the CDC: Cloth face coverings PLUS social distancing AND hand-washing can help Slow the Spread of COVID-19. It also helps keep medical face masks available to front-line healthcare workers. https://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html… We’re all in this together!  

4.Testing at CVS 

CVS now offers four new drive-through COVID testing locations here in Durham. Learn more below & make your appointment at https://cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing

5. Child’s Immunizations

Measles has made a comeback in recent years. Cases surged and claimed more than 140,000 lives in 2018, mostly of children and babies, all of which were preventable. Contact your pediatrician or local health department to discuss how to keep your child's immunizations up to date.


6. Eligible for WIC?

Struggling to provide healthy food for your young children during COVID? You may be eligible for support from WIC. WIC provides healthy foods to pregnant and postpartum women and their babies. Please visit http://signupwic.com to find the phone number of your local clinic.


7. Drive-Thrus 

Allow workers at drive-thrus to wear cloth face coverings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjTxdcU5wA8


8. Stay Safe from Scams 

If you've been exposed to COVID-19, we'll call you to help you and others stay safe, but we will never ask for payment! Know what to expect to keep from being scammed!


9. Blood and Plasma Donations 

Looking for ways to help during the COVID-19 crisis? Blood and plasma donations are critical to sustaining public health. If you’re eligible to give, schedule an appointment today. Learn more at http://redcrossblood.org and http://donatingplasma.org.


10. Proposed Woodcroft Parkway Extension

The Woodcroft Parkway Extension Virtual Open House is open until July 5! If you travel along Hope Valley and Garrett Road near Jordan High School, then you can give your feedback on the project at https://pppconsulting.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=eab5805a7d3c4082beb32e8375f1f276

In case you missed it... 

  • To find ways to help provide food to those in need, visit handsontriangle.org
  • Got questions about COVID-19? Find answers, testing information, and more on our confidential COVID-19 hotline. 

Need COVID-19 info?

Call the state or local hotline, or sign up for text updates. 

This newsletter and past newsletters are also available on our website. https://www.durhamcommunityengagement.org/news

Thank you,

City of Durham

Durham Community Engagement Team

Neighborhood Improvement Services Department