TRANSFORMATION IN TEN (T2) INITIATIVE and Legal Aid of North Carolina
Transformation in Ten (T2) and Legal Aid of North Carolina—Durham together hosted their 5th Roadmap to Work seminar on expunctions and driver’s license restoration. The event was held at Hoover Road Apartments and approximately (100) one hundred persons attended. The attendees had the opportunity to learn directly from one of the leading attorneys at the Durham Legal Aid of North Carolina office who explained in detail the drawn-out processes of expunctions and restorations. Some of the attendees were screened for the opportunity to receive census-tract-based grants for full coverage of any costs associated with their pursuit of restored driver’s license or expunctions.
The next seminar will be held at Tahti’s Place located at 1607 Angier Avenue, Durham NC, March 16, 2019 from 11am to 12pm.
About the Transformation in Ten Initiative
The Transformation in Ten (T2 )Initiative is a data driven, community-led, collaborative effort to reduce poverty in Durham communities. The Goal of the T 2 Initiative is to leverage resources to reduce poverty — neighborhood by neighborhood, year by year. The T 2 Initiative is currently focused on Census Tract 10.01, Block Groups 2 and 3. This area is bordered by N Plum Street on the west end, Benjamine Street on the east end, Taylor Street on the north end, and E Peabody Street/S Hoover Road on the south end.
To get involved email [email protected] or call 919 560 1647 ext. 34246.