Racial Equity Task Force Recommendations + This Weeks' Top 10

Racial Equity Task Force Recommendations + This Weeks' Top 10

Here's a roundup of important information for this week. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.

Do you want to be "in the know" of what's going on in Durham Communities? Add Durham Community Engagement on Facebook to stay up-to-date! https://www.facebook.com/Durham-Community-Engagement-111955780585641/

And as always, let us know if you have any questions. 

Wishing you health and happiness! 

-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team 

P.S. If anyone else would like to sign up to receive this newsletter, they can do so at https://www.durhamcommunityengagement.org/interests 

This Week’s Top 10

  1. Racial Equity Task Force Recommendations
  2. Tips for Staying Safe 
  3. Looking for COVID-19 Testing?
  4. If You Test Postive...
  5. Health and Safety Checklist
  6. Share the Why: Census Challenge! (and follow us on Facebook!) 
  7. Free Cooking Classes 
  8. DPS: Exceptional Children Services
  9. Evacuation Plan
  10. What do you think? Our Future Transit Plan

1- Racial Equity TaskForce Recommendations

The Racial Equity Taskforce was created in 2018 to engage with the broader Durham community to address issues of racial equity through education of inequitable circumstances, research of best practices and issue policy/funding recommendations, and to address racial inequity in the community and governmental entities. On July 22, they presented their initial report to City Council. Click on this link for more information: https://durhamnc.gov/4290/Racial-Equity-Taskforce

 2- Tips for Staying Safe 


Although there's no way to be completely safe from COVID-19 if you spend time around others, you can reduce your risk if you and others wear cloth face coverings covering AND stay at least 6 feet apart. More tips for staying safe: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/information/individuals-families-communities/individuals-and-families 

3- Looking for COVID-19 Testing? 

Looking for COVID-19 testing? It's easy to find testing near you: https://www.dcopublichealth.org/services/communicable-diseases/coronavirus-disease-2019/covid-19-testing




4- If You Test Positive...


If you've tested positive for COVID-19, stay home until it has been 10 days since you started feeling sick AND 24 hours since your last fever without fever-reducing medicine AND your symptoms are improving. After this, it's not necessary to be re-tested before returning to work! 

5- Health and Safety Checklist 


Let’s work together to help get Durham Back on the Bull. Find out how you can do your part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as well as which businesses have completed a health and safety checklist at http://BackontheBull.com. 

6- Share the Why: Census Challenge! (and follow us on Facebook!) 

$425,413,031…. That’s the estimated amount of funding North Carolina is at risk of losing each year if everyone doesn’t respond to the 2020 Census! 

Your Community Engagement Staff completed our 2020 Census because we want Durham to be a better place to work, live and play for all. We count and YOU COUNT TOO!  

We nominate each and everyone of you to copy and paste this post along with the picture and share your own reason for completing the census. #2020CensuspushNC Go to 2020Census.gov to complete your Census. Once you're done, tag our page and the hashtag above. 

Find Durham Community Engagement on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Durham-Community-Engagement-111955780585641/ 

7- Free Cooking Classes 


Would you like to participate in four free virtual classes about nutrition and cooking?Register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KHVP2JD?fbclid=IwAR0Ywya-gv_rPO-9KWy-2_5tPID79yTo59FVT_gP1agRjHnLg2ohofonZPM 

Interested in other nutritional opportunities as DCOPH, Click here: https://www.dcopublichealth.org/services/nutrition-3670

8- DPS: Exceptional Children Services



The DPS EC Department is hosting an Information Session for families of students with IEPs on Monday 8/3/2020 at 5 PM. | Registration in English and Spanish | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfUBYRS4Spmbi3-vFkhTe4eQPRhqgjD3eRIAAt0DL51ou1xRg/viewform 

9- Evacuation Plan


Make plans with family or friends in case you need to evacuate your home during a storm. Shelters may be sparse or look different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  https://www.readync.org/

10- What do you think? Our Transit Future 


Are you interested in the 30-year plan for future highway, bicycle, rail, pedestrian & transit projects for Durham, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro? Give your feedback by 8/5 

- English survey: …https://2050triangletransportplan.metroquest.com  

In Case You Missed It... 

**Durham water will return to regular billing practices in September** For more information click here: https://durhamnc.gov/944/Water-Management

Struggling to Pay Your Water Bill? 

The City would like to help through the Water Hardship Fund. The Fund is part of a program administered by the Durham County Department of Social Services to help residents pay their past-due water bills. It cannot be used for penalties and fees.  

Through a simple online process, you can apply for up to $240 in assistance per year if you are having a documented hardship, have past-due bills, and are in danger of having your water cut off. If you think you might qualify, please complete the Water Hardship Fund application form. If contacted, you may be asked to provide identification, proof of income, a copy of your water bill, and other information. 

Do you need help finding meals for your child? Text FOODNC to 877-877. 




This newsletter and past newsletters are also available on our website. https://www.durhamcommunityengagement.org/news 

Thank you,

Your Community Engagement Team