Go Triangle Light Rail Project Open Houses

Go Triangle Light Rail Project Open Houses

GoTriangle is hosting two public meetings in April to provide an update on the line-wide appearance of Durham and Orange counties’ new light-rail line. Join us to see how our community may be celebrated through the architectural design of the light-rail system.

Drop in any time between 6 and 8 p.m. at one of these interactive open houses. The content of both will be the same.

The light rail project is a 17.7-mile infrastructure investment, which will provide over 26,000 trips per day to residents and commuters. This rail project will provide a congestion-free transportation alternative that connects the people in our communities to jobs, healthcare, and education in Durham and Chapel Hill. 

Participate Online 

If you are unable to attend in person, please visit our online open house. You will be able to provide your input through May 11, 2018.

Special Accommodations 

If you need special accommodations (translation or interpretation), contact GoTriangle at 919-485-7572 five days before the meeting to make arrangements. 

Acomodaciones Especiales 

Si necesita acomodaciones especiales (traducción o interpretación) comuníquese con GoTriangle al 919-485-7572 cinco días antes de la reunión para hacer arreglos con el equipo del proyecto. 

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