Durham Hosts E-Waste Recycling, Paper Shredding & Live Tree Drop-Off January 19
Free Event Open to All Durham Residents
DURHAM, N.C. – Durham residents looking for an easy and free way to recycle electronic waste (e-waste), shred confidential documents, and drop-off of their live Christmas trees should attend the City of Durham’s E-Waste Recycling, Paper Shredding & Tree Disposal event next month.
The City’s Solid Waste Management Department is hosting this free event on Saturday, January 19 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Durham County Memorial Stadium on the home side parking lot, located at 750 Stadium Dr. Staff will be on hand to assist with unloading old electronics, paper, and live Christmas trees.
E-Waste Recycling
Nearly all electronic devices with a cord will be accepted including:
- Computers, laptops, keyboards, mice, printers, monitors, speakers, copiers, scanners, circuit boards, hard drives, computer parts, etc.
- Televisions, stereo equipment, tape players, receivers, amplifiers, record players, etc.
- Kitchen electronics, such as microwaves, mixers, blenders, choppers, etc.
- Telephones, cell phones, and fax machines
- Hair dryers, curling irons, alarm clocks, and vacuum cleaners
- Power tools, cordless tools, etc.
- Electronic toys, such as keyboards and video game systems
- This event will NOT accept large appliances, refrigerators, air conditioners or any other appliances that contain Freon in non-working condition.
Durham residents who can’t attend this event can still safely and conveniently recycle their old electronics at no charge at the City’s Waste Disposal and Recycling Center (Transfer Station), located at 2115 E. Club Blvd. The facility is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to noon.
Paper Shredding
Confidential paper shredding will also be provided on site during this event. Shredding requirements include:
- Paper may contain paper clips and staples; however, hanging file folders will not be accepted.
- Only paper should be brought for shredding. CDs, DVDs, and other non-paper items will not be accepted.
- All paper should be loose and not in binders or other binding items made of non-paper.
- Residents may be present to observe their confidential document shredding if the amount to be shredded can fit into one 96-gallon roll cart (approximately 240 pounds of material or approximately eight small, banker boxes of material).
- Participants with larger quantities will have items placed in boxes to be shredded off-site at Shimar Recycling’s secure facility.
Live Christmas Tree Drop-Off
Requirements for live Christmas tree drop-off are as follows:
- Trees taller than six feet must be cut in half;
- All decorations including tinsel, lights, garland, ornaments, nails, stands, and hardware must be removed.
- Trees should not be placed in bags.
In addition this free drop-off event, residents may also drop off their live trees at no charge to the City’s Waste Disposal and Recycling Center (Transfer Station) from January 2 until February 2. Trees delivered after February 2 to the Center will be subject to the usual yard waste disposal fees.
Yard Waste customers may receive curbside collection by placing their live trees at their curb on their scheduled collection day. Tree locations will be noted by the weekly collection crews and added to the next available Saturday collection day on January 12, January 26 or February 2. A tree collection will not count toward free brush collections for yard waste customers.
Non-Yard Waste customers must contact Durham One Call at (919) 560-1200, online at https://durhamnc.gov/1439/Durham-One-Call, or via the free smartphone app in the Apple and Google Play stores to request a curbside collection of their live Christmas tree. All service requests must be received no later than the end of business on February 1. Once received, service requests will be scheduled for the next available Saturday collection on January 12, January 26 or February 2.
About the City of Durham Solid Waste Management Department
The Solid Waste Management Department promotes and supports a high quality of life for the residents of Durham by providing comprehensive, responsive, environmentally-safe, efficient and cost-effective solid waste collection, recycling and disposal programs. Department services include roll-out cart collection, cart delivery and repair service, cardboard collection, yard waste collection, waste reduction and recycling, bulky item pick-up, and disposal services. The Department supports the City’s Strategic Plan by providing professional management that contributes to creating thriving, livable neighborhoods as well as an innovative and high-performing organization.
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