Back to School + August's Top 10 News
Here's a roundup of important information this August. Please share with your friends and community members- you never know who might need it.
This month, we're exploring stories from Emorywood Estates as part of the Our Community Stories video series. This event will take place Friday, August 27 at noon. RSVP and register for the Zoom link.
As always, let us know if you have any questions.
Wishing you health and happiness!
-Your City of Durham Community Engagement Team
This Month's Top 10
Back To School Drive!

Neighborhood Matching Grants: Application Period Closing!

Our Community Stories: Emorywood Estates
Our Community Stories are conversations with recent and longtime residents of predominately Black and African American communities in Durham. This month highlights Emorywood Estates. Speakers include Dr. Charles Johnson (Director of the Public History Program at North Carolina Central University) and Ms. Meredythe Holmes. RSVP for the Zoom session on Friday, August 27 at noon. Don't forget past recordings are available.
Racial Equity Commission
Do you know a youth or adult who might be interested in serving on the new Racial Equity Commission? The application deadline is Sept. 13th. Terms are 3 years. See more details about the positions. To apply, visit Durham's website.
Book Babies Program
Attention families! The Book Babies program is seeking more families to join. A Book Babies Coach will visit with family to share information about language development, early literacy, and bring books to share. Once the baby graduates from the program the family will own at least 100 books! Enrollment requirements are: - Family live in Durham - To be eligible to Medicaid - The baby has to be 16 weeks old or less. Assistance in Spanish is available. Visit the website for more info.
Employment Opportunities
See these job postings:
- Refugee and Immigrant Affairs Specialist, Durham's Neighborhood Improvement Services (Full time with benefits, apply by Aug. 24)
- Bilingual Project Coordinator, Durham's Office on Youth (Part-time with benefits, apply by Sept. 3)
- Young Men of Excellence Program - Program Coordinator, Charles Hamilton Houston Foundation (Part time, apply by Sept. 17). See graphic below for details:
COVID-19 Vaccination Info
Durham County Department of Public Health (DCoDPH) have modified their vaccination clinic hours as of Aug. 2 to be open Monday-Wednesday for appointments and walk-ins. See hour changes and details. Events will continue for community vaccinations on Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends. See upcoming events. Vaccines are available for anyone 12 and older, regardless of insurance or documentation.
NC residents who can't leave home or obtain transportation to get the vaccine may request a free home visit to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Read more.
"Get Ready for the Comeback" Block Party August 22
Free for Durham middle and high school students! Come out to a block party this Sunday from 1-5 at East End Park (1200 N Alston Avenue) for food, music, games, and prizes! See the event on Eventbrite.
Gang Issues in Durham Survey
4 survey respondents will be selected to win $25 -- open to all Durham County residents. Take this survey regarding gang issues in Durham:
Follow us on Facebook!
If you haven't already -- Like us on Facebook! We post throughout the week about events in the community, opportunities for public comment, job postings, seminars and meetings, and ways to keep up with the Durham community. Join us!
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